The month of October is one of the most favorite times of the year for cosplayers. This is because children of all ages participate in the one holiday where it is socially acceptable to “geek out” and dress up in your favorite character. So here are some Halloween safety tips whether you are going out with your family trick or treating, or heading out to the Masquerade ball with friends……Have a safe Halloween from Hicollector!
Walk Safely at all times

*Trick or treating should be done with proper supervision and if possible in groups.
- Cross the street at corners, use traffic signals and stay within crosswalks. Always look left, right and left again before and when crossing the street. You should always be aware and keep looking as you cross.
- Do NOT use electronic devices while walking. Keep head up and walk – DO NOT RUN across the street.
- Teach your children to make eye contact with drivers and motorist before attempting to cross in front of them.
- If possible, always walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks or paths available, walk facing traffic as far left as possible.
- Plan your route with the fewest street crossing, and be sure to keep children on these routes as they tend to wander.
- Watch out for cars that are turning or backing up. Children should never dart out into the street or cross between parked cars.
- If kids are old enough to be out without supervision set a curfew and tell them to stick to familiar areas that are well lit and trick-or-treat in groups.
Costumes Tips

*Make sure that costumes are comfortable and non-hazardous. Costumes should not be tight or constricting on body as to prevent breathing or movement.
- Choose light colored costumes if possible and decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers.
- Use approved face paints and makeup. Masks should not obstruct vision (especially for children).
- Have kids use glow sticks and/or flashlights to help them see and be seen by drivers.
- Costumes should be the right size to prevent trips and falls when worn.
Drive Extra Safely on Halloween

*Drivers and motorists please be aware and courteous on Halloween.
- Drivers and motorists please slow down and be especially alert in residential neighborhoods. Children walking may move in unexpected directions and at times.
- Take extra time to watch out for kids at intersections, on medians and at curbs.
- When entering and exiting driveways always be cautious.
- Avoid distractions outside and inside of your vehicle. Concentrate on your driving and your surroundings.
- Use your headlights earlier in the day to both spot and warn children at greater distances.